Progressing as a Capoeirista

M Marcos at at LSC grading ceremony.JPG

Batizado grading ceremony

A capoeira batizado is a celebration in which capoeiristas are graded by experienced Masters and during which live Capoeira music, the “Roda” (the circle of Capoeira), and the jogo de Capoeira (the game), all contribute to a vivid and exhilarating cultural event.

Contra Mestre Rachael and Mestre Sombra

Choosing a Capoeira style and school

When students identify themselves with a style of Capoeira, he or she will develop their technique, knowledge and discipline within their chosen Capoeira school.
A student will be invited to participate in their first batizado after an initial period of training and then subsequently after that when they have demonstrated dedication and progression to a more advanced level in capoeira.


Your first belt (of many….)

After participating in the roda you will be awarded a coloured belt that signifies your level of accomplishment within your Capoeira school.
The London School of Capoeira Herança follows the Belt system of the Brazilian Confederation of Capoeira.

Learn more about our grading system in about the school. You can also see a list of students that have graded at the school since its founding in the 1980s.